Manage company contact information
Primary Contact Info
The email and phone number you provide for your primary contact info will be used by the Easol support team to get in touch with you. If you have more than one primary contact email, please enter each email separated by a comma.
Customer Contact Info
The email and phone number you provide for customer contact info will be included on automated emails to your customers. This includes booking confirmation, payment reminders and check in emails. We highly recommend adding at least an email address here.
Payment Settings Info
For payment settings info, you can add a custom statement descriptor. This will be displayed on the customer's bank statement when they purchase your experiences.
Adding a statement descriptor will help ensure your customers won't flag payments to your company as fraudulent as they will be able to recognise the charge more easily.
Your custom statement descriptor will have a prefix "EP X". For example, if you set your descriptor to "Acme", the full statement descriptor will be "EP X Acme".
Note: If you do not enter a Statement descriptor, it will default to "Easol Pay" on the statement.
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