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Create and sell experiences
Create and sell experiences
Create experiences and accommodations
Add and edit experiences
Add and edit accommodations
Create an experience series
Introduction to selling multiple start dates and times
Merchandise your experiences and accommodations
Add check in and check out time, directions and other useful info
See all 12 articles
Create packages
Intro to packages
Create and edit packages
Manage the visibility of packages
Display packages on your website
Examples of packages
Set up pricing
Intro to pricing experiences and accommodations
Add and edit variants for experiences
Add and edit variants for accommodations
Add and edit extras for experiences
Add and edit modifiers
What currency will my customers see on my website?
Configure payment settings for customers
Intro to customer payment settings
Set up deposits
Set up payment plans
Configure payment plan fees
Configure booking fees
Understand Booking Protection
See all 14 articles
Manage stock inventory and availability
Intro to managing availability of experiences and accommodations
Manage availability of experiences
Online booking window
Manage availability of accommodations
Publish your experiences and accommodations
Manage experiences with multiple start dates
See all 10 articles